Welcome to Aerobytes Marine
The home of BOQA...

Although you will never be able to prevent all accidents, the success of FOQA in the aviation industry demonstrates that with the right tools & culture in place you can expect to radically improve the safety of your operation.

Aerobytes is a long established world-leader in practical FOQA solutions & has been developing its unique BOQA solution since 2009. Aerobytes BOQA is therefore a mature solution based upon many years of practical experience.

BOQA automatically detects eroded safety-margins and provides the tools required to create, track & monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions; actions that will close down vulnerabilities before they result in catastrophe.

Please take a few minutes to learn more about BOQA (Bridge Operational Quality Assurance) - a process that will unquestionably become an industry standard over the coming years as did FOQA before it.

Meet Aerobytes
We look forward to meeting you at the following events:

    06-07 Nov 2012: eNavigation 2012 Seattle, USA
  'Rhapsody of the Seas'
- soon to be equipped with
Aerobytes BOQA

Further Information
Please click a button on the main menu or below for further reading & information...

  Learn about the practical details of BOQA & the challenges Aerobytes has successfully addressed
  Discover the completely unique Aerobytes BOQA solution
  Contact Aerobytes with questions or to arrange a demonstration